Prayer and Fasting

If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,
then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 
2 Chronicles 7:14

A WORD ABOUT FASTING | If you are able, you are encouraged to fast from food or something significant to you throughout the day so you can focus fully on your time with God.
Fasting can be defined as abstaining from anything that hinders prayer. In this sense then, giving up technology for a day may be a considerable feat!
Ultimately, be encouraged to take whatever time you have and focus it entirely on God in the context of the situations at hand: (eg. schooling, work, relationships, future plans, the church, etc.).
By removing something significant from our day we create space for our spirit to long for Jesus and create some separation from the distractions and temptations of the world and our self.
We don’t just stop eating (or cease whatever else we are fasting from) – we replace it with seeking God, submitting to His word, interceding with the Holy Spirit for breakthrough,
and confessing and repenting any sin that surfaces during this time.

The Scriptures recount over 70 stories of the heroes of faith who give themselves to fasting and prayer.
Moses, Elijah, Esther, Nehemiah, Daniel, and Paul fasted at crucial points in their nation’s history and their own ministry.
Jesus Himself both modeled and taught about prayer and fasting (Matt 6:5-18; Luke 11:1-13).
After being baptized and anointed by the Holy Spirit, Jesus is led into the desert to pray and fast (Matt 4) for 40 days before He launched into His public ministry.

Before Fasting:
Pray about and consider what you will fast from. Seek the Lord and His wisdom (Prov 2:1-7).
He might lead you to only drink water or juice, give up one meal a day or maybe He will encourage you to also give up technology or something else that steals your attention from Him.
Let God reveal to you what He wants you to fast from, and then respond in obedience.

While Fasting:
Use the Guidelines on the other side of this page to give some simple direction to your prayer times.
- Every time you grow hungry or long for what you are fasting from, acknowledge God’s presence around you. Ask Him how He is moving and how you can respond.
- Find Scriptures to meditate on throughout the day, letting the Word of God renew your mind and refresh you spirit (Psalm 1:1-2).
If you don’t know where to start, you can begin with the various Scriptures on these pages.
Be ready for temporary bouts of physical weakness and mental annoyances like impatience and irritability.
Bring these to Jesus as they arise, inquiring of Him what they reveal about your heart and invite the Holy Spirit to strengthen you.

After Fasting:
Don’t stop praying! Trust God’s faithfulness and timing. Carry your newfound passion for God throughout the day, month, and year!
Believe in faith for God to answer your prayers. (1 Thess 5:16-18)

Share with others what God taught you during your time fasting and praying.
Seek to build one another up with words of encouragement and exaltation of Jesus.

Simple Guidelines for a Day of Prayer and Fasting

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”
Philippians 4:6

Today we are going to join together in prayer to seek God, to thank Him and to bring to Him our worship, praise, convictions, concerns, and requests.
We want to corporately meet with God and seek His presence.

For some of you, you may be interested in adding to this a day of fasting.
Here is a simple resource to guide you through a process of prayer and fasting structured around your mealtimes.

Regardless of whether or not you want to take on a period of fasting, may this verse be our meditation throughout this day:
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10).

THANKSGIVING (Breakfast/Morning)

- Thanksgiving = Thanking Him for who He is and what He has done.
- Begin with Praise | Let’s start our day by anchoring ourselves using Psalm 28:6-9.
- Bless His Name – declare out loud the many names of God and what they mean to you.
- Start thanking God for anything and everything you want to.
- Remind yourself of His faithfulness throughout your life. We root ourselves more deeply in faith because God has, is and will be faithful.
How have you experienced His faithfulness in your life?
INTERCESSION (Lunch/Afternoon)

- Intercession = Agreeing with what He wants to do.
- Pray for protection
- Pray for families, friends, and neighbours
- Pray for the Church, Avonhurst’s ministries and staff
- Pray regarding COVID-19 (for containment, for those infected and afflicted, for those mourning lost loved ones, for a cure)
- Pray for the isolated and lonely, for the poor and vulnerable
- Pray for our health professionals, for our political and spiritual leaders and public authorities, for our economy
- Pray for God’s mission and the Lord’s will (conclude with the Lord’s Prayer, Matt 6:9-13)

WORSHIP (Supper/Evening)

- Worship = Agreeing with who He is.
- Declare and honour God’s character and His ongoing activity in our world, community, personal lives.
- Encountering, magnifying, and adoring who He is. 

Encounter: How have you encountered God at work in your life recently? 
Magnify: Which of His characteristics do you want to magnify?
Adore: Have you told God you love Him today?

 “I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount of your wonderful deeds”

Psalm 9:1